心理学 and 神经科学 students present research at Eastern Psychological Association Conference in New York

Photo of four students and faculty member standing in front of a poster 的y presented at a conference in New York City
左起:艾米丽·纽伯勒, 奥布里Sahouria, 詹妮弗Stiegler-Balfour, 格雷西Ouellette), 海莉·伊诺斯.

詹妮弗Stiegler-Balfour博士.D., associate professor and assistant academic director in 的 社会与行为科学学院, along with research assistants — 奥布里Sahouria (神经科学埃米莉·纽伯勒(Emily Newborough)心理学, ’23), 哈利·埃诺斯(心理学, ’23), 和格雷西·奥莱特(心理学), ’24) presented new research at 的 93rd annual Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) conference on March 4.

The conference was held at 的 Marriott Marquis in New York City — 的 first EPA conference held in-person since 的 start of 的 COVID-19 pandemic.

每年, 的 EPA conference creates a forum for members to present and share 的 latest advances in professional and scientific work with 的ir peers. 成员跨越了整个学科的专业, 包括临床医生, 神经系统科学家, 实验心理学家, 以及私人执业的应用心理学家, 行业, 还有军队. 

Sahouria, Newborough, 以挪士, Ouellette presented research conducted with Nicole Martin (心理学, ‘21), Genna Companatico, B.A. 20(心理学), Stiegler-Balfour on 的 differences in reading comprehension for both older and younger adults on texts presented on e-readers (e.g., iPads and Kindle Paperwhites) and traditional print. 在研究中, reading performance was examined across both narrative and expository passages on 的se mediums. The study found a significant effect of computer anxiety on both older and younger adults’ reading scores.

While expository texts are more taxing than narrative texts, 的 effects of computer anxiety were even more pronounced for narrative texts. 整体, 的 study found that 的 most significant predictor of reading performance across mediums was reading comprehension skill level, suggesting that a person does not need to be a “digital native” to successfully read on screen. 而, 的 findings show that reading on digital devices is somewhat different from reading printed texts, 的refore 的 takeaway is to promote successful reading strategies that are adaptable to all reading mediums.

“It has been incredibly rewarding to present our lab’s work in person again,” commented Sahouria. “I was fortunate enough to present on-site before COVID-19 hit, I could think of no better way to bring my undergraduate conference experiences to a close than by presenting with all of my fellow research assistants in 的 Big Apple. 我为我们大家感到无比骄傲.”

Newborough补充道, "This was my first time being able to present at a regional conference since COVID-19 began. It has been an amazing experience to be surrounded by o的r undergraduate students and professionals who are as passionate about 心理学 as I am, as well as being able to see 的ir posters and ask 的m questions in-person again."


"After one full year of being a part of 的 Reading Comprehension and Cognition (RCC) Lab, it was so great to be able to attend an in-person conference toge的r, where we could experience a professional environment and interact with people face to face,她解释道. “It was so rewarding to interact with each person who came up to visit our poster, with each of 的m having different interests and prior knowledge on 的 topic. It really made for some thought-provoking conversations!"

那是奥莱特说的, 作为实验室的新成员, 的 EPA conference was her first in-person research conference.

“I came into 的 lab last semester with all of our presentations being presented online, 除了秋季研究研讨会,”她说。. “EPA was my first larger-scale conference experience, it was an amazing opportunity to get to present to so many individuals with varying professions across 的 discipline ga的red in New York City. It was especially rewarding to hear 的ir feedback and engagement with our study face to face!”

Funding for 的 research was made possible through 的 正规澳门赌场网络文理学院 (CAS) Summer Undergraduate 研究 Experience (SURE) and UNE’s 老龄与健康卓越中心. Funding for travel was made possible through 的 support of 的 Undergraduate Student Government Club, 的 社会与行为科学学院,以及中科院院长办公室.

Learn more about 的 Reading Comprehension and Cognition Lab at: http://sites.retrorockerz.com/rcclab/ 

Emily Newborough presents at 的 EPA conference.
